Friday, July 15, 2011

Milo featuring Chris Tiu

Nestle is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year...and there are loads of neat freebies to be had whenever you buy Nestle products. The cute Milo Green Mug is primarily the reason why I bought this enormously large Milo pack. I guess my family knew by now that every time I bring home some really cool stuff that they can enjoy, there has to be a freebie that comes along with it. From the cereals, the chocolate drinks, the juices and what have you...there has to be memento of token to make it really worthy and lasting purchase. Heck, most of the toys in my collections are actually freebies from the products I bought.
aside from the mug, I thought the packaging of this year's Milo is quite neat as it features some of this generations great athletes and role models. In this particular Milo pack, Chris Tiu is featured. Chris is indeed a noteworthy athlete and person. His upstanding character and determination to pursue his dreams are certainly exemplary for the youth of today to follow.

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